Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

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Notes SF:世界经济合作与发展组织||セカイ ケイザイ ガッサク ヨ ハッテン ソシキ||shi jie jing ji he zuo yu fa zhan zu zhi
EDSRC:OECD Tokyo Centre news(OECD東京センター, -2003)
OECD Ministerial Conference, Paris, 1960. Conven. rélative à l'Organisati-on de coopération et de développement économiques, 1960
L'Intégration des jeunes handicapés ... 1980: t.p. (Organisation de coopé-ration et de d'eveloppement économiques; OCDE)
EDSRC:Changing approaches to population problems / by Margaret Wolfson(Publications and Information Center], 1978)
EDSRC:Национальные счета для бывшего СССР : источники, методы, расчеты / [отв. за выпуск Т.А. Хоменко](Финстатинформ, 1994)
EDSRC:Towards sustainable development: indicators to measure progress : proceedings of the OECD Rome Conference / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, c2000)
Date 1961
See from' reference Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
*経済協力開発機構<ケイザイ キョウリョク カイハツ キコウ>
Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos
Organizzazione di cooperazione e di sviluppo economico
Organizzazione per la cooperzione e lo sviluppo economico
Keizai Kyōryoku Kaihatsu Kikō
Organisation für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
Organização de Cooperação e de Desenvolvimento Económicos
Evropska ekonomska zajednica
Organizacija za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj
Organisasjonen for okonomisk samarbeid og utvikling
Munażzamat al-Ta āwun al-Iqtisādī wa-al-Tanmiyah
Iktisadî Ișbirliği ve Gelișme Teșkilâti
Iktisadî Ișbirliği ve alkinma Teșkilâti
Organizaţia pentru Cooperare și Dezvoltare Economicǎ
Ching chi ho tso fa chan tsu chih
Organisation de coopération et de développement économique
Organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ ėkonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva i razvitii︠a︡
Организация экономического сотрудничества и развития
See also' reference
Codes AuthorityID=AU00000998  NCID=DA00318815
1 公正と包摂をめざす教育 : OECD「多様性の持つ強み」プロジェクト報告書 / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2024.6
2 21世紀型コンピテンシーの次世代評価 : 教育評価・測定の革新に向けて / 経済協力開発機構 (OECD) 編著 ; 西村美由起訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2024.3
3 図表でみる教育 : OECDインディケータ / 経済協力開発機構編著 ; 大久保彩 [ほか] 訳 2023年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2023.12
4 教育の経済価値 : 質の高い教育のための学校財政と教育政策 / 経済協力開発機構編著 ; 濱田久美子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2023.11
5 保健体育教育の未来をつくる : OECDカリキュラム国際調査 : OECD education 2030プロジェクト / 経済協力開発機構 (OECD) 編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2023.10
6 PISA2018年調査評価の枠組み / 経済協力開発機構編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2023.3
7 先見的ガバナンスの政策学 : 未来洞察による公共政策イノベーション / ピレト・トヌリスト, アンジェラ・ハンソン著 ; 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編 ; 白川展之訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2023.3
8 Learning during - and from - disruption : print. - Paris : OECD , c2023
9 Education at a glance : OECD indicators 2023: electronic bk. - Paris : OECD , c2023
10 図表でみる教育 : OECDインディケータ / 経済協力開発機構編著 ; 矢倉美登里 [ほか] 訳 2022年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2022.12
11 図表でみる教育 : OECDインディケータ / 経済協力開発機構編著 ; 矢倉美登里 [ほか] 訳 2022年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2022.12
12 高等教育マイクロクレデンシャル : 履修証明の新たな次元 / 経済協力開発機構(OECD), 加藤静香編著 ; 濱田久美子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2022.9
13 社会情動的スキルの国際比較 : 教科の学びを超える力 : 第1回OECD社会情動的スキル調査(SSES)報告書 / 経済協力開発機構 (OECD) 編著 ; 矢倉美登里, 松尾恵子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2022.9
14 OECD教育DX白書 : スマート教育テクノロジーが拓く学びの未来 / 経済協力開発機構編著 ; 濱田久美子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2022.7
15 感情的ウェルビーイング : 21世紀デジタルエイジの子どもたちのために / トレーシー・バーンズ, フランチェスカ・ゴットシャルク編著 ; 経済協力開発機構編 ; 西村美由起訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2022.6
16 デジタル環境の子どもたち : インターネットのウェルビーイングに向けて / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 ; 齋藤長行, 新垣円訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2022.3
17 Education at a glance : OECD indicators 2022: electronic bk. - Paris : OECD , c2022
18 図表でみる教育 : OECDインディケータ / 経済協力開発機構編著 ; 矢倉美登里 [ほか] 訳 2021年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2021.12
19 教育のデジタルエイジ : 子どもの健康とウェルビーイングのために / トレーシー・バーンズ, フランチェスカ・ゴットシャルク編著 ; 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編 ; 西村美由起訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2021.8
20 Supporting meaningful interactions in early childhood education and care : print. - Paris : OECD , c2021
21 Education at a glance : OECD indicators 2021 : print. - Paris : OECD , c2021
22 Embedding values and attitudes in curriculum : shaping a better future Paris : OECD , 2021
23 図表でみる教育 : OECDインディケータ / 経済協力開発機構編著 ; 矢倉美登里 [ほか] 訳 2020年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2020.12
24 図表でみるASEAN諸国の行政改革 : OECDインディケータ / 経済協力開発機構, アジア開発銀行編著 ; 平井文三訳 2019年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2020.12
25 図表でみる世界の行政改革 : OECDインディケータ / OECD編著 ; 平井文三訳 2019年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2020.11
26 図表でみる世界の保健医療 : OECDインディケータ / OECD編著 ; 村澤秀樹訳 2019年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2020.10
27 GDPを超える幸福の経済学 : 社会の進歩を測る / ジョセフ・E.スティグリッツ, ジャン=ポール・フィトゥシ, マルティーヌ・デュラン編著 ; 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編 ; 西村美由起訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2020.4
28 高齢社会日本の働き方改革 : 生涯を通じたより良い働き方に向けて / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 ; 井上裕介訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2020.3
29 デジタル時代に向けた幼児教育・保育 : 人生初期の学びと育ちを支援する / アンドレアス・シュライヒャー著 ; 経済協力開発機構編, 一見真理子, 星三和子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2020.2
30 図表でみる移民統合 : OECD/EUインディケータ / 経済協力開発機構(OECD), 欧州連合(EU)編著 ; 鄭康烈 [ほか] 訳 2018年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2020.2
31 Education at a glance : OECD indicators 2020 : print. - Paris : OECD , c2020
32 教育分野における新型コロナウィルスの影響 : 図表でみる教育OECDインディケータ2020からの知見 : 部分訳 = The impact of COVID-19 on education insights from education at aglance 2020 / OECD [編] ; 紀平真知子訳 ; 井上正幸監修 [東京] : 日本国際教育支援協会 , [2020]
33 Curriculum overload : a way forward Paris : OECD , c2020
34 信頼を測る : OECDガイドライン / 経済協力開発機構編著 ; 高橋しのぶ訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2019.12
35 教育のワールドクラス : 21世紀の学校システムをつくる / アンドレアス・シュライヒャー著 ; 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編 ; ベネッセコーポレーション企画・制作 ; 小村俊平 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2019.9
36 OECD保育の質向上白書 : 人生の始まりこそ力強く : ECECのツールボックス / OECD編著 ; 秋田喜代美 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2019.3
37 Measuring innovation in education 2019 : what has changed in the classroom? / Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin ... [et al.] : print. - Paris : OECD , c2019
38 トレンド、データや子供たちの絵からみる未来の教育と職業 / OECD[編] ; 日本国際教育支援協会訳 [東京] : 日本国際教育支援協会 , c2019
39 Fostering students' creativity and critical thinking : what it means in school / Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin ... [et al.] : print. - Paris : OECD , c2019
40 図表でみる男女格差 : 今なお蔓延る不平等に終止符を! / OECD編著 ; 濱田久美子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2018.12
41 移民の子どもと世代間社会移動 : 連鎖する社会的不利の克服に向けて / OECD編著 ; 木下江美, 布川あゆみ, 斎藤里美訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2018.10
42 世界の行動インサイト : 公共ナッジが導く政策実践 / 経済協力開発機構 (OECD) 編著 ; 濱田久美子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2018.7
43 社会情動的スキル : 学びに向かう力 / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 ; 荒牧美佐子 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2018.5
44 OECDビッグデータ白書 : データ駆動型イノベーションが拓く未来社会 / 経済協力開発機構 (OECD)編著 ; 齋藤長行, 田中絵麻訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2018.3
45 Education policy in Japan : building bridges towards 2030 : print. - Paris : OECD , c2018
46 Education for a bright future in Greece : print. - Paris : OECD , c2018
47 Engaging young children : lessons from research about quality in early childhood education and care : print. - Paris : OECD , c2018
48 移民の子どもと学校 : 統合を支える教育政策 / OECD編著 ; 三浦綾希子, 大西公恵, 藤浪海訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2017.6
49 若者のキャリア形成 : スキルの獲得から就業力の向上、アントレプレナーシップの育成へ : OECDスキル・アウトルック2015年版 / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 ; 竹内一真 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2017.5
50 Key OECD indicators on early childhood education and care : print. - Paris : OECD , c2017
51 Transitions from early childhood education and care to primary education : print. - Paris : OECD , c2017
52 Students' well-being : print. - Paris : OECD , c2017
53 Collaborative problem solving : print. - Paris : OECD , c2017
54 PISA 2015 assessment and analytical framework : science, reading, mathematic, financial literacy and collaborative problem solving : print. - Rev. ed. - Paris : OECD , c2017
55 PISA2015年調査評価の枠組み / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2016.11
56 行動公共政策 : 行動経済学の洞察を活用した新たな政策設計 / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 ; 齋藤長行訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2016.9
57 21世紀のICT学習環境 : 生徒・コンピュータ・学習を結びつける / 経済協力開発機構編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2016.8
58 PISA2012年調査評価の枠組み / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2016.8
59 サイバーリスクから子どもを守る : エビデンスに基づく青少年保護政策 / 経済協力開発機構編著 ; 斎藤長行著訳 ; 新垣円訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2016.1
60 Excellence and equity in education : print. - Paris : OECD , c2016
61 Policies and practices for successful schools : print. - Paris : OECD , c2016
62 主観的幸福を測る : OECDガイドライン / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 ; 高橋しのぶ訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2015.8
63 インターネット経済 : デジタル経済分野の公共政策 : OECDソウル宣言進捗レビュー / 経済協力開発機構編著 ; 入江晃史訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2015.3
64 Skills for social progress : the power of social and emotional skills : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2015
65 OECD reviews of school resources Kazakhstan 2015 : print - Portugal 2018 : print. - Paris : OECD , c2015-
66 Monitoring quality in early childhood education and care : print. - Paris : OECD , c2015
67 家庭、学校、地域社会における社会情動的スキルの育成 : 国際的エビデンスのまとめと日本の教育実践・研究に対する示唆 / 池迫浩子, 宮本晃司[著] ; ベネッセ教育総合研究所訳 [出版地不明] : [ベネッセ教育総合研究所] , [2015]
68 格差拡大の真実 : 二極化の要因を解き明かす / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 ; 小島克久, 金子能宏訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2014.10
69 創造的地域づくりと文化 : 経済成長と社会的結束のための文化活動 / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 ; 寺尾仁訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2014.9
70 OECD成人スキル白書 : 第1回国際成人力調査(PIAAC)報告書 : OECDスキル・アウトルック2013年版 / 経済協力開発機構 (OECD) 編著 ; 矢倉美登里, 稲田智子, 来田誠一郎訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2014.5
71 官民パートナーシップ : PPP・PFIプロジェクトの成功と財政負担 / OECD編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2014.2
72 今こそ男女格差解消に向けた取り組みを! / OECD編著 ; 濱田久美子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2014.2
73 Creative problem solving : students' skills in tackling real-life problems : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2014
74 図表でみる世界の行政改革 : OECDインディケータ / OECD編著 2011年版 - 2017年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2013.2-
75 PISA 2012 assessment and analytical framework : mathematics, reading, science, problem solving and financial literacy : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2013
76 Data analysis and national experiences [Paris] : OECD , c2013
77 What students know and can do : student performance in mathematics, reading and science : print. - Paris : OECD , c2013
78 Excellence through equity : giving every student the chance to succeed : print. - Paris : OECD , c2013
79 Ready to learn : students' engagement, drive and self-beliefs : print. - Paris : OECD , c2013
80 What makes schools successful? : resources, policies and practices : print. - Paris : OECD , c2013
81 OECD幸福度白書 : より良い暮らし指標 : 生活向上と社会進歩の国際比較 / OECD編著 ; 徳永優子 [ほか] 訳 [1] - 4. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2012.12-
82 若者の能力開発 : 働くために学ぶ : OECD職業教育訓練レビュー : 統合報告書 / OECD編著 ; 岩田克彦, 上西充子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2012.10
83 OECD教員白書 : 効果的な教育実践と学習環境をつくる : 第1回OECD国際教員指導環境調査(TALIS)報告書 / OECD編著 ; 木下江美 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2012.8
84 未来志向の教育を目指す : 日本 / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2012.3
85 Lessons from PISA for Japan : print. - Paris : OECD , c2012
86 A quality toolbox for early childhood education and care [Paris, France] : OECD , c2012
87 Literacy, numeracy and problem solving in technology-rich environments : framework for the OECD survey of adult skills : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2012
88 Connected minds : technology and today's learners / Francesc Pedró : print. - Paris : OECD , c2012
89 Delivering school transparency in Australia : national reporting through my school : print. - Paris : OECD , c2012
90 Preparing teachers and developing school leaders for the 21st century : lessons from around the world / [edited by Andreas Schleicher] : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2012
91 Strengthening integrity and fighting corruption in education : Serbia : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2012
92 Better skills, better jobs, better lives : a strategic approach to skills policies : print. - Paris : OECD , c2012
93 Guidance from PISA for the Canary Islands, Spain Paris : OECD , c2012
94 Untapped skills : realising the potential of immigrant students : PISA Paris : OECD , c2012
95 Let's read them a story! : the parent factor in education : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2012
96 Public and private schools : how management and funding relate to their socio-economic profile : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2012
97 PISA 2009 technical report : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2012
98 Learning beyond fifteen : ten years after PISA : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2012
99 Languages in a global world : learning for better cultural understanding / edited by Bruno della Chiesa, Jessica Scott and Christina Hinton : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2012
100 Equity and quality in education : supporting disadvantaged students and schools : print. - Paris : OECD , c2012
101 Closing the gender gap : act now : print,: print (EU). - Paris : OECD , c2012
102 Grade expectations : how marks and education policies shape students' ambitions : print. - Paris : OECD , c2012
103 Desing and implementation / Karine Tremblay, Diane Lalancette, Deborah Roseveare [Paris] : OECD , c2012
104 世界の若者と雇用 : 学校から職業への移行を支援する : OECD若年者雇用レビュー : 統合報告書 / OECD編著 ; 中島ゆり訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2011.12
105 「非大学型」高等教育、教育とICT、学校教育と生涯学習、租税政策と生涯学習 / OECD編著 ; 高橋聡 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2011.11
106 特集日本の教育改革 / OECD編著 ; 吉川淳 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2011.7
107 トップを目指す教育 / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2011.6
108 移民の子どもと格差 : 学力を支える教育政策と実践 / OECD編著 ; 布川あゆみ, 本田伊克, 木下江美訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2011.4
109 OECD保育白書 : 人生の始まりこそ力強く : 乳幼児期の教育とケア(ECEC)の国際比較 / OECD編著 ; 星三和子 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2011.3
110 学習成果の認証と評価 : 働くための知識・スキル・能力の可視化 / OECD編著 ; 松田岳士訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2011.3
111 子どもの福祉を改善する : より良い未来に向けた比較実証分析 / OECD編著 ; 熊倉瑞恵, 関谷みのぶ, 永由裕美訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2011.3
112 日本の労働市場改革 : OECDアクティベーション政策レビュー:日本 / OECD編著 ; 濱口桂一郎訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2011.1
113 Designing for education : compendium of exemplary educational facilities 2011 : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2011
114 OECD reviews of evaluation and assessment in education Denmark 2011 : print - North Macedonia : print. - Paris : OECD , c2011-
115 School evaluation in the Flemish community of Belgium / Claire Shewbridge ... [et al.] : print. - Paris : OECD , c2011
116 Education policy advice for Greece : print. - Paris : OECD , c2011
117 Designing for education : compendium of exemplary educational facilities 2011 : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2011
118 Education at a glance : highlights 2011 : print - 2014 : print. - Paris : OECD , c2011-
119 PISA2009年調査評価の枠組み / 経済協力開発機構編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2010.10
120 格差は拡大しているか : OECD加盟国における所得分布と貧困 / OECD編著 ; 小島克久, 金子能宏訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2010.10
121 世界の生涯学習 : 成人学習の促進に向けて / OECD編著 ; 長岡智寿子 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2010.9
122 PISA(ピザ)の問題できるかな? : OECD生徒の学習到達度調査 / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2010.9
123 OECD国際経済統計ハンドブック : 統計・知識・政策 / エンリコ・ジョバンニーニ著 ; OECD編 ; 高橋しのぶ訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2010.6
124 よくわかるヒューマン・キャピタル : 知ることがいかに人生を形作るか / ブライアン・キーリー著 ; OECD編 ; 立田慶裕訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2010.3
125 OECD対日経済審査報告書 : 日本の経済政策に対する評価と勧告 / OECD編著 ; 吉川淳 [ほか] 訳 2009年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2010.2
126 日本の若者と雇用 : OECD若年者雇用レビュー : 日本 = Jobs for youth Japan / OECD編著 ; 中島ゆり訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2010.1
127 Pathways to success : how knowledge and skills at age 15 shape future lives in Canada Paris : OECD, Programme for International Student Assessment , c2010
128 What students know and can do : student performance in reading, mathematics and science : print. - [Paris] : OECD , 2010
129 Overcoming social background : equity in learning oppotunities and outcomes : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2010
130 Learning to learn : student engagement, strategies and practices : print. - Paris : OECD , c2010
131 What makes a school successful? : resources, policies and practices : print. - Paris : OECD , c2010
132 Learning trends : changes in student performance since 2000 : print. - Paris : OECD , c2010
133 Tackling inequalities in Brazil, China, India and South Africa : the role of labour market and social policies : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2010
134 Regional development policies in OECD countries : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2010
135 PISA computer-based assessment of student skills in science [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2010
136 科学技術人材の国際流動性 : グローバル人材競争と知識の創造・普及 / OECD編著 ; 門田清訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2009.12
137 日本の大学改革 : OECD高等教育政策レビュー : 日本 / OECD編著 ; 森利枝訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2009.10
138 公務員制度改革の国際比較 : 公共雇用マネジメントの潮流 / OECD編著 東京 : 明石書店 , 2009.9
139 スクールリーダーシップ : 教職改革のための政策と実践 / OECD編著 ; 多々納誠子, 小熊利江訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2009.7
140 国際比較 : 仕事と家族生活の両立 : OECDベイビー&ボス総合報告書 / OECD編著 ; 熊倉瑞恵, 関谷みのぶ, 永由裕美訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2009.7
141 特別支援教育、キャリア・ガイダンス、高等教育ガバナンス、成人生涯学習への投資 / OECD編著 ; 一木玲子, 大塚裕介, 高橋聡訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2009.4
142 Tertiary education in Chile [Paris] : OECD , c2009
143 PISA 2006 technical report / Programme for International Student Assessment Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2009
144 Take the test : sample questions from OECD's PISA assessments [Paris] : OECD , c2009
145 Equally prepared for life? : how 15-year-old boys and girls perform in school / Programme for International Student Assessment [Paris] : OECD , c2009
146 PISA 2009 assessment framework : key competencies in reading, mathematics and science / Program for International Student Assessment [Paris] : OECD , c2009
147 Highlights from education at a glance 2008,2009,2010. - [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2009-
148 Evaluating and rewarding the quality of teachers : international practices [Paris] : OECD , c2009
149 Green at fifteen? : how 15-year-olds perform in environmental science and geoscience in PISA 2006 / Programme for International Student Assessment Paris : OECD , c2009
150 Top of the class : high performers in science in PISA 2006 [Paris] : OECD , c2009
151 Community capacity building : creating a better future together / edited by Antonella Noya, Emma Clarence and Gary Craig [Paris] : OECD , c2009
152 Designing local skills strategies / edited by Francesca Froy, Sylvain Giguère and Andrea-Rosalinde Hofer [Paris] : OECD , c2009
153 OECD private pensions outlook 2008. - [Paris] : OECD , c2009
154 Measuring government activity Paris : OECD , c2009
155 Governing regional development policy : the use of performance indicators [Paris] : OECD , c2009
156 Clusters, innovation and entrepreneurship [Paris] : OECD , c2009
157 Creating effective teaching and learning environments : first results from TALIS [Paris] : OECD , c2009
158 Education today : the OECD perspective [2009],2010,2013. - Paris : OECD , c2009-
159 図表でみる世界の最低生活保障OECD給付・賃金インディケータ : 働くための福祉の国際比較 / OECD編著 ; 日本労働組合総連合会(連合)総合政策局訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2008.7
160 世界の行政簡素化政策 : レッド・テープを切れ / OECD編 ; 山本哲三訳 東京 : 日本経済評論社 , 2008.3
161 Special features: governance, funding, quality / by Paulo Santiago ... [et al.] : [pbk.]. - Paris : OECD , c2008
162 Special features: equity, innovation, labour market, internationalisation / by Paulo Santiago ... [et al.] : [pbk.]. - Paris : OECD , c2008
163 Growing unequal? : income distribution and poverty in OECD countries [Paris] : OECD , c2008
164 Globalisation and emerging economies : Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa [Paris] : OECD , c2008
165 Policy and practice / [by Beatriz Pont, Deborah Nusche, Hunter Moorman] [Paris] : OECD , c2008
166 Case studies on system leadership / edited by Beatriz Pont, Deborah Nusche, David Hopkins [Paris] : OECD , c2008
167 Productivity measurement and analysis Paris : OECD , 2008
168 Statistics, knowledge and policy 2007 : measuring and fostering the progress of societies [Paris] : OECD , c2008
169 Understanding economic statistics : an OECD perspective / Enrico Giovannini Paris : OECD , c2008
170 Entrepreneurship and higher education / [edited by Jonathan Potter] Paris : OECD , c2008
171 Broadband growth and policies in OECD countries [Paris] : OECD , c2008
172 地図でみる世界の地域格差 : 都市集中と地域発展の国際比較 / OECD編著 ; 由井義通 [ほか] 訳 [2007年版] - 2018年版. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2008-
173 移民の子どもと学力 : 社会的背景が学習にどんな影響を与えるのか/ OECD編著 ; 木下江美, 布川あゆみ訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2007.10
174 個別化していく教育 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 岩崎久美子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2007.7
175 図表でみる世界の主要統計 : OECDファクトブック : 経済、環境、社会に関する統計資料 / 経済協力開発機構編著 ; テクノ訳 2006年版 - 2011-2012年版. - 東京 : テクノ. - 東京 : 明石書店 (発売) , 2007.2-
176 PISA 2006 : science competencies for tomorrow's world / Programme for International Student Assessment v. 1,v. 2. - Paris : OECD , c2007
177 Higher education and regions : globally competitive, locally engaged Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2007
178 Performance budgeting in OECD countries Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2007
179 Des emplois pour les jeunes (jobs for youth) Belgique - Greece 2010. - Paris : Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques , c2007-
180 図表でみる世界の社会問題 : OECD社会政策指標 : 貧困・不平等・社会的排除の国際比較 / OECD編著 ; 麻生裕子訳 [1] - 4. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2006.12-
181 教育のシナリオ : 未来思考による新たな学校像 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 立田慶裕監訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2006.11
182 世界の行政改革 : 21世紀型政府のグローバル・スタンダード / 経済協力開発機構(OECD)編著 ; 平井文三訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2006.10
183 早期幼児期教育・高水準で公平な教育・教育的労働力・国境を越える教育・人的資本再考 / OECD編著 ; 御園生純監訳 ; 稲川英嗣 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2006.6
184 生徒の学校への関わり : 帰属意識と参加 : PISA2000年調査の結果から / 経済協力開発機構著 ; 渡辺良監訳 ; 篠原真子, 弓削俊彦訳 東京 : 技術経済研究所 , 2006.4
185 Assessing scientific, reading and mathematical literacy : a framework for PISA 2006 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2006
186 International migration outlook : annual report 2006 ed - 2014 : print. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2006-
187 Structural and demographic business statistics = Statistiques structurelles et démographiques des entreprises 1996-2003,2009 : print. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 2006-
188 Think scenarios, rethink education Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2006
189 学校の安全と危機管理 : 世界の事例と教訓に学ぶ / OECD編 ; 立田慶裕監訳 ; 安藤友紀訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2005.10
190 教員の重要性 : 優れた教員の確保・育成・定着 : OECD(経済協力開発機構)報告書 / 国立教育政策研究所国際研究・協力部監訳 [東京] : [国立教育政策研究所] , 2005.8
191 世界の公務員の成果主義給与 / OECD編著 ; 平井文三監訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2005.8
192 世界の社会政策の動向 : 能動的な社会政策による機会の拡大に向けて / OECD編著 ; 井原辰雄訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2005.6
193 地域社会に貢献する大学 / OECD編 ; 相原総一郎, 出相泰裕, 山田礼子訳 町田 : 玉川大学出版部 , 2005.5
194 Teachers matter : attracting, developing and retaining effective teachers Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2005
195 Education trends in perspective : analysis of the world education indicators : UNESCO,: OECD. - 2005 ed. - Paris : Unesco Institute for Statistics : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development : World Education Indicators Programme , c2005
196 School factors related to quality and equity : results from PISA 2000 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2005
197 Promoting adult learning Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2005
198 Economic policy reforms : going for growth 2005 - 2010. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2005-
199 OECD factbook : economic, environmental and social statistics 2005 - 2010. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2005-
200 University research management : developing research in new institutions / Ellen Hazelkorn Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2005
201 Pensions at a glance : public policies across OECD countries 2005,2007 ed,2009. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2005-
202 Formative assessment : improving learning in secondary classrooms / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2005
203 役立つ教育研究 : イギリスとニュージーランドの教育研究開発システム / 経済協力開発機構著 ; 沢田敬人訳 横浜 : オセアニア出版社 , 2004.12
204 明日の学校教育のシナリオ : education and skills / OECD著 東京 : 協同出版 , 2004.3
205 Problem solving for tomorrow's world : first measures of cross-curricular competencies from PISA 2003 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2004
206 Entrepreneurship : a catalyst for urban regeneration Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2004
207 大学・学生・社会の新しい関係 : オーストラリア・ブリスベンとフランス・パリで開催した高等教育マネージメントに関するセミナー報告 / 経済協力開発機構著 ; 沢田敬人訳 横浜 : オセアニア出版社 , 2003.10
208 Learners for life : student approaches to learning : results from PISA 2000 / Cordula Artelt ... [et al.] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2003
209 The PISA 2003 assessment framework : mathematics, reading, science and problem solving knowledge and skills / Programme for International Student Assessment Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2003
210 Chile 2003,2005. - Paris : OECD , 2003-
211 世界の教育改革 : OECD教育政策分析 / OECD著 ; 御園生純, 稲川英嗣監訳 [1]. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2002.10
212 国民経済計算 / 経済協力開発機構編 ; 鳥居泰彦監訳 2001: セット - 2009: vol.2(詳細統計). - 東京 : 東洋書林 , 2002.10-
213 International mobility of the highly skilled / [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) , c2002
214 Bildungspolitische Analyse / Organisation für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung 2002. - Paris : Organisation für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) , c2002
215 Reading for change : performance and engagement across countries : results from PISA 2000 / Irwin Kirsch ... [et al.] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2002
216 African economic outlook [2001/2002] - 2010. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2002-
217 OECD science, technology and industry outlook 2002 - 2010. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2002-
218 Sample tasks from the PISA 2000 assessment : reading, mathematical and scientific literacy Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2002
219 Higher education management and policy : journal of the Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education Vol. 14, no. 1 (2002)-. - Paris : OECD , 2002-
220 日本の教育政策 / [OECD教育調査団編著 ; 深代惇郎訳] :セット. - [復刻]. - 東京 : 日本図書センター , 2001.7
221 New school management approaches / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2001
222 Cities and regions in the new learning economy / [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2001
223 The well-being of nations : the role of human and social capital / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation ; [co-authored by Tom Healy and Sylvain Côté ; with significant input from John F. Helliwell, Simon Field and many other colleagues within the OECD Secretariat] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2001
224 What schools for the future? / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2001
225 Managing university museums / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2001
226 Early childhood education and care / [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] [1],[2]. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2001-
227 Central government debt, statistical yearbook = Dette de l'administration centrale, annuaire statistique 2000 - 2010. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2001-
228 OECD territorial reviews / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development The Valencian central districts, Spain - Switzerland 2011 : print. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2001-
229 The PISA 2000 assessment of reading, mathematical and scientific literacy Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2000
230 Motivating students for lifelong learning Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2000
231 OECD statistics on international trade in services = Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les échanges internationaux de services 1989-1998 (2000 ed.) - 2004-2007 (2009 ed.), v. 2. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development : Statistical Office of the European Communities , c2000-
232 Bank profitability : methodological country notes 2000 ed - 2007 ed. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 2000-
233 National accounts of OECD countries : statistics = Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE : statistiques v. 1 : 1988-1998 - v. 1 : 2002-2009. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2000-
234 21世紀の技術 : ダイナミックな未来の有望性と危険性 / OECD著 ; 岸本光永監訳 ; 大島直子訳 東京 : 中央経済社 , 1999.9
235 Education, migration and productivity : an analytic approach and evidence from rural Mexico / by J. Edward Taylor and Antonio Yúnez-Naude Paris : Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1999
236 図表で見る教育OECD教育インディケータ 東京 : 文部省大臣官房調査統計企画課 , 1998.5
237 高等教育における評価と意思決定過程 : フランス、スペイン、ドイツの経験 / OECD編 ; 服部憲児訳 東広島 : 広島大学大学教育研究センター , 1997.2
238 Creativity, innovation and job creation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1997
239 Implementing inclusive education / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1997
240 Education at a glance : OECD indicators 1997 - 2019 : print. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1997-
241 図表でみる教育 : OECD教育インディケータ / OECD教育研究革新センター編集 [1996年版] - 2019年版. - 東京 : ぎょうせい , 1996.4-
242 Knowledge bases for education policies : proceedings of a conference held in Maastricht, the Netherlands, on 11-13 September 1995 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1996
243 Education and training : learning and working in a society in flux Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - Washington, D.C. : OECD Publications and Information Center [distributor] , c1996
244 Internationalisation of higher education / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1996
245 Information technology and the future of post-secondary education / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1996
246 Schools for today and tomorrow : an international compendium of exemplary educational facilities Paris : Organisation for Co-operation and Economic development , c1996
247 Employment and growth in the knowledge-based economy Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1996
248 Education at a glance : OECD indicators [3rd ed.]. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
249 Learning beyond schooling : new forms of supply and new demands Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
250 Decision-making in 14 OECD education systems / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1995
251 Secondary education in France : a decade of change Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
252 OECD education statistics 1985-1992 = Statistiques de l'enseignement de l'OCDE 1985-1992 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
253 Public expectations of the final stage of compulsory education = Le dernier cycle de l'enseignement obligatoire : quelle attente? Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
254 Educational research and development : Austria, Germany, Switzerland Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
255 Measuring the quality of schools = Mesurer la qualité des établissements scolaires Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
256 貿易政策と競争政策 : 目的、手法の比較 [東京] : 経済団体連合会OECD諮問委員会 , 1994.12
257 The Curriculum redefined : schooling for the 21st century Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1994
258 Evaluating innovation in environmental education Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1994
259 図表でみる教育 : OECDインディケータ / 国際比較教育研究会訳 [東京] : 文部省大臣官房調査統計企画課 , 1993.3
260 Science and mathematics education in the United States : eight innovations : proceedings of a conference Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1993
261 Higher education and employment : the case of humanities and social sciences Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1993
262 Environmental education : an approach to sustainable development / edited by Hartmut Schneider ; in co-operation with Jacoline Vinke and Winifred Weekes-Vagliani = L'éducation environnementale : approches pour un développement durable / sous la direction de Hartmut Schneider ; encoopération avec Jacoline Vinke et Winifred Weekes-Vagliani Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1993
263 Curriculum reform : assessment in question = La réforme des programmes scolaires : l'évaluation en question Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1993
264 OECD environmental performance reviews Iceland - Ireland. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1993-
265 Public educational expenditure, costs and financing : an analysis of trends 1970-1988 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1992
266 Mexico 1991/1992 - 2007. - Paris : OECD , 1992-
267 Alternatives to universities Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1991
268 The Alford Information Technology Centre / by Joanna Eley Paris : Organisation for Economic co-operation and Development , c1989
269 Higher education management Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1989)-v. 13, no. 3 (2001). - Paris : OECD , c1989-2001
270 The right to adult status / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1988
271 The telecommunications industry : the challenges of structural change Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1988
272 Main science and technology indicators = Principaux indicateurs de la science et de la technologie 1981/87 (1981/87)-. - Paris, France : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1988-
273 職業安定機関における職業紹介の方法 : OECD報告書 /雇用職業総合研究所訳 東京 : 雇用促進事業団雇用職業総合研究所 , 1987.8
274 The introduction of computers in schools : the Norwegian experience : examiners' report [Paris] : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation , [1987]
275 Positive adjustment in manpower and social policies / by R.A. Jenness Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : OECD Publications and Information Center, distributor] , 1984
276 The Public employment service in a changing labour market Paris, France : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : OECD Publications and Information Center, distributor] , 1984
277 世界のエネルギー展望 / 国際エネルギー機関〔編〕 ; OECD/IEA国際エネルギー問題研究会訳 東京 : 通商産業調査会 , 1983.2
278 The transition from school to working life / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1983
279 OECD employment outlook 1983 - 2010. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C.] : [OECD Publications and Information Center, distributor] , 1983-
280 Migrants' children and employment : the European experience : pbk. - Paris, France : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : OECD Publications and Information Center] , c1983
281 Caring for young children : an analysis of educational and social services / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : pbk. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development , 1982
282 Integration in the school / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1981
283 Widening access for the disadvantaged = les groupes défavorisés Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1981
284 Studies of selected population groups : linguistic and indigenous minorities : the Sami (Lapp) case in Norway Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , [1981]
285 Studies of selected population groups : linguistic and indigenous minorities : consideration in financing, organising and governance of education as a consequence of the needs of indigenous minority populations Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , [1981]
286 The education of the handicapped adolescent / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1981-
287 世界の未来像 / OECD編 ; 小金芳弘監訳 上,下. - 東京 : 日本生産性本部 , 1980.5
288 The causes and consequences : pbk. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington : Sold by OECD Publications and Information Center] , 1980
289 Country surveys of current practice Australia - Portugal. - Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
290 Rationales for distributiong resources unequally Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
291 The identification of special populations : strategies and consequences Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
292 Costing for special populations Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
293 The delivery of educational services to special populations Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
294 Autonomy in the financing, organisation and governance of the education of special populations Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
295 Studies of selected population groups : linguistic and indigenous minorities : analytical framework Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , [1980]
296 Studies of selected population groups : language and literacy : education for multicultural societies : Englnd and Wales Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , [1980]
297 Educational policy and planning : compensatory education programmes in the United States Paris : OECD , 1980, c1981
298 Teacher policies in a new context / Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : sold by OECD Publications and Information Center] , 1979
299 New structures, programmes and methods / [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1979
300 The non-participation issue / [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1979
301 Educational financing and policy goals for primary schools : general report / by Harold J. Noah and Joel D. Sherman Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C.] : [Sold by OECD Publications and Information Center] , 1979
302 Facing the future : mastering the probable and managing the unpredictable Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C.] : [Sold by Publications and Information Center] , c1979
303 Social sciences in policy making Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : sold by OECD Publications and Information Center] , 1979
304 Review of student support schemes in selected OECD countries / by Maureen Woodhall Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C.] : [sold by OECD Publications Center] , c1978
305 情報社会科学資料編 / OECD著 ; 文部省学術国際局訳 東京 : 学習研究社 , [1978]
306 Measures of leisure, equality and welfare / by Wilfred Beckerman Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : Sold by OECD Publications Center] , 1978
307 Manpower and employment : problems and prospects / by R. A. Jenness Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : sold by OECD Publications and Information Center] , 1978
308 Participation in adult education / [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1977
309 Public expenditure on health Paris : Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. - Washington, D.C. : Sold by OECD Publications Center , 1977
310 Entry of young people into working life : general report Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : sold by OECD Publications Center] , 1977
311 Learning opportunities for adults v. 1. General report. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1977-1981
312 日本の社会科学政策 : OECD調査団報告 / OECD科学技術政策委員会[編] ; 文部省学術国際局訳 [東京] : 文部省 , [1977]
313 The use of the computer in teaching secondary school subjects / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1976
314 Public expenditure on education / OECD Paris : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development , 1976. - [Washington, D. C. : sold by OECD Publications Center]
315 Teachers as innovators / [ed. by] Organisation for Economic Co-operation Development : pbk. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1976
316 Class and pedagogies : visible and invisible / Basil Bernstein Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1975
317 Education of the health professions in the context of the health care system : the Ontario experience / by K.C. Charron Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : Sold by OECD Publications Center] , 1975
318 Infancy as an occupation : towards a sociology of spontaneous behaviour / J.C. Chamboredon in collaboration with J. Prévot Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1975
319 Changing priorities for government R&D : an experimental study of trends in the objectives of government R&D funding in 12 OECD member countries, 1961-1972 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1975
320 Norway : the Norwegian Adult Education Act/ Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Paris : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development , 1975
321 Belgium, France, United Kingdom Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1974
322 Policies for higher education : general report Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1974
323 Towards mass higher education : issues and dilemmas / [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1974
324 Structure of studies and place of research in mass higher education Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1974
325 Mass higher education : some perspectives from experience in the United States = L'enseignement supérieur de masse : quelques perspectives ouvertes par l'expérience des États-Unis / Mary Jean Bowman Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1974
326 Mathematical models for the education sector : supporting material to the survey Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1974
327 Conference on Future Structures of Post-Secondary Education (Paris, 26th-29th June, 1973) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1974
328 Mathematical models for the education sector : a survey = Les modèles mathématiques du secteur enseignement Paris : OECD , 1973
329 Manpower policy in Japan / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1973
330 List of social concerns common to most OECD countries Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1973
331 Towards central government computer policies : data base developments and international dimensions Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1973
332 Automated information management in public administration : present developments and impacts Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1973
333 The utilisation of highly qualified personnel : Venice Conference 25th-27th October 1971 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1973
334 Issues of regional policies / a report prepared by A. Emanuel [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1973
335 Revenue statistics = Statistiques des recettes publiques 1965-1971 - 1965-2009. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1973-
336 日本の教育政策 / OECD教育調査団編著 ; 深代惇郎訳 東京 : 朝日新聞社 , 1972.9
337 Problems of environmental economics : record of the Seminar held at the OECD in summer 1971 [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , [1972]
338 OECD technical assistance to the Centre for Agricultural Research and Development of the Ebro Region (Spain) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1971
339 Technical education in the United Kingdom / by Tyrell Burgess and John Pratt [Paris] : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , 1971
340 Education and training for the metal worker of 1980 : regional trade union seminar, Paris, 8th-11th October, 1968 : final report Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1971
341 Seminar on Computer Sciences in Secondary Education / organised by O.E.C.D. in collaboration with the 'Direction de la Coopération' of the French Ministry of Education at the Centre International d'Études Pédagogiques, Sèvres (France), March 9th/14th, 1970 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1971
342 Group disparities in educational participation and achievement Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1971
343 Educational expansion in OECD countries since 1950 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1971
344 Teaching resources and structural change Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1971
345 Demographic accounting and model-building Paris : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development , 1971
346 Review of national scientific and technical information policy Canada - Germany. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : sold by OECD Publications Center] , c1971-
347 Re-entry of women to the labour market after an interruption in employment / by B.N. Seear Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1971
348 Science, growth and society : a new perspective : report of the Secretary-General's Ad Hoc Group on New Concepts of Science Policy Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1971
349 Occupational and educational structures of the labour force and levels of economic development : further analyses and statistical data [Paris] : O.E.C.D. , 1971
350 Computer assisted instruction / by Le Corre and R. Jacoud Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Centre for Educational Research and Innovation , 1971
351 Requirement for programming languages in computer-based instructional systems / by K. Zinn Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Centre for Educational Research and Innovation , 1971
352 analytical report [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development , [1971]
353 Possibilities and limitations of an international comparison approach Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1970
354 French experience before 1968 / by C. Grignon and J. C. Passeron [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1970
355 Development of higher education, 1950-1967 = Développement de l'enseignement supérieur / [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development] [v. 1],[v. 2]. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1970-1971
356 Three German universities : Aachen, Bochum, Konstanz / by E. Böning and K. Roeloffs [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1970
357 Reforms in Yugoslavia / report prepared by the Institute for Social Research, University of Zagreb [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1970
358 Employment of women : Regional Trade Union Seminar, Paris, 26th-29th November 1968 : final report Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1970
359 Manpower policy in Luxembourg Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1970
360 Occupational and educational structures of the labour force and levels of economic development / [Jean-Pierre Jallade] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1970-1971
361 Reviews of national policies for education Australia, transition from school to work or further study [1977] - South Eastern Europe, v. 2. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1969-
362 New universities in the United Kingdom / by H. J. Perkin [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1969
363 Efficiency in resource utilization in education = L'utilisation efficace des ressources dans l'enseignement Paris : OECD , 1969
364 Canada, Espagne, Iceland, Japan, Norway, Turquie, United States Paris : O.E.C.D , 1969
365 Science policy in the USSR / E. Zaleski .... [et al.] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1969
366 Labour force statistics / OECD Department of Economics and Statistics = Statistiques de la population active / OCDE Département des affaires économiques et statistiques 1956-1967 - 1989-2009. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1969-
367 Budgeting, programme analysis and cost-effectiveness in educational planning = la programmation budgétaire et l'analyse coût-efficacité dans la planification de l'enseignement Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1968
368 Statistical tables and notes Paris : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development , [1968]
369 Fundamental research and the universities : some comments on international differences / Joseph Ben-David Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1968
370 総合エネルギー政策 : 問題点と目標 / OECD著 ; 高橋清訳 東京 : 東洋経済新報社 , 1967.1
371 Vocational education / Roger Grégoire Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1967
372 Counselling for special groups / a pilot study by Lady Gertrude Williams Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1967
373 Mathematical models in educational planning Paris : Directorate for Scientific Affairs, O.E.C.D.. - [London : H.M.S.O.] , 1967
374 Policy conference on highly qualified manpower Paris : OECD , 1967
375 Manpower and social policy in the Netherlands Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1967
376 Manpower policies and problems in Austria Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1967
377 Technical change and manpower planning : co-ordination at enterprise level / edited by Solomon Barkin Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1967
378 米国経済 / 経済協力開発機構著 ; 経済企画庁訳 1965. - [東京] : 経済企画協会. - 東京 : ぺりかん社 (発売) , 1966.12
379 Curriculum improvement and educational development Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1966
380 Biology to-day, its role in education : Report of an OECD Working Session on the Teaching of School Biology, Hellebaeck (Denmark), June 1964 / Prepared by Professor Paul Davigeaud. English version edited by Mr. L. C. Comber Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development , 1966
381 Higher education in agriculture : report of the 1965 conference Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1966
382 School building resources and their effective use : some available techniques and their policy implications / by Guy Oddie [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1966
383 Fundamental research and the policies of governments Paris : OECD , 1966
384 Manpower policy and programmes in Canada Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1966
385 Government and technical innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1966
386 Training of and demand for high-level scientific and technical personnel in Canada Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1966
387 Government and allocation of resources to science Pairs : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1966
388 The social sciences and the policies of governments Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1966
389 OECD「経済・社会開発のための教育計画(Planning education for economic and social development)」抄訳 / 文部省大臣官房調査課 東京 : 文部省大臣官房調査課 , 1965.4
390 OECD「経済・社会開発のための教育上のニードの予測(Forecasting educational needs for economic and socia development)」(抄訳) / ハーバート・パーンズ 上,下. - 東京 : 文部省大臣官房調査課 , 1965.4
391 Teaching physics to-day : some important topics Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1965
392 Econometric models of education : some applications / papers by Jan Tinbergen ... [et al.] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - New York, N.Y. : Sales agents, McGraw-Hill Book Co., OECD Unit , 1965
393 The research and development effort : in Western Europe, North America and the Soviet Union : an experimental international comparison of research expendiiures and manpower in 1962 / by C. Freeman and A. Young Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1965
394 Wages and labour mobility : a report by a group of independent experts on the relation between changes in wage differentials and the pattern of employment / with a foreword on the implications of the study for incomes policy by Pieter de Wolff [Text],Supplement no. 2. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1965-1967
395 Workers' attitudes to technical change : an integrated survey of research / by Alain Touraine ; in collaboration with Claude Durand ... [et al.] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1965
396 Manpower policy and problems in Greece Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1965
397 Manpower policy and programmes in the United States Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1964
398 Training of technicians in Ireland Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1964
399 Engineering education in the computer age : report of an OECD Conference on "Applied Mathematics for Engineers", Rome, May 1963 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1964
400 Japan [1964] - 2011. - Paris : OECD , [1964]-
401 A modern approach to school physics Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1963
402 Supply, recruitment and training of science and mathematics teachers Paris : OECD , [1963?]
403 Development assistance : efforts and policies of the members of the Development Assistance Committee / report by Willard L. Thorp 1963 review - 1971 review. - [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1963-1971
404 Aspects of training in economic development : papers and proceedings of the first meeting of directors of training institutes in the field of economic development, the Hague, 11th-14th September 1961 [Paris] : OECD , 1962
405 OECD policies for science and education country reviews Denmark - Yugoslavia. - [Paris] : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development , [1962]
406 The OECD observer No. 1 (Nov. 1962)-. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1962-
407 New thinking in school chemistry : report on the OEEC seminar on the status and development of the teaching of school chemistry, Greystones (Ireland), March 1960 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1961
408 Synopses for modern secondary school mathematics Paris : Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1961
409 Manpower statistics / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1950-1960,1950-1962,1954-1964. - Paris : O.E.C.D. , 1961-
410 Mathematics for physicists and engineers : report of the O.E.E.C seminar on "The Mathematical Knowledge required by the Physicist and Engineer" : project STP 17 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development , 1961
411 Reviews of national science policy Australia - Yugoslavia. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : Sold by OECD Publications Center] , [196-]-
412 OECD studies in resource allocation [Paris]
413 OECD reviews of manpower and social policies Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
414 OECD informatics studies Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
415 The OECD social indicator development programme Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
416 International seminars Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C.] : [Sold by OECD Publications Center]
417 Employment of special groups [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
418 OECD economic surveys Paris : OECD
419 Conference on the use of computers in higher education Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
420 PEB papers Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
421 Improving school leadership [Paris] : OECD
422 Technical assistance evaluation studies [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
423 International statistical year for research and development Paris : OECD
424 Problems of development [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
425 Starting strong Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
426 PISA 2012 results Paris : OECD
427 OECD better life initiative [Paris] : OECD
428 Disabled youth Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
429 Measuring student knowledge and skills Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
430 OECD in figures : statistics on the member countries -2009 (2009). - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , -[2009]