Centre for Educational Research and Innovation

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Notes Its Centre for Educational Research and Innovation ... 1970
Strategies for improving employment, job opportunities, and productivity, c1983: CIP pref. (Center for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD))
Les Nouvelles tendances de la planification ... 1980: t.p. (OCDE, Centre pour la recherche et l'innovation dans l'enseignement)
L'Intégration des jeunes handicapés ... 1980: t.p. (Centre pour la recherche et l'innovation en éducation; CERI)
International Seminar on the Educational Role of the Family (1983 : Kokuritsu Fujin Kyōiku Kaikan, Japan) OECD CERI Katei Kyōiku Kokusai Seminā hōkokusho, 1984: p. 1 (Kyōiku Kenkyū Kakushin Sentā)
EDSRC:学習の社会的成果 : 健康、市民・社会的関与と社会関係資本 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 坂巻弘之, 佐藤郡衛訳, 川崎誠司訳 (明石書店, 2008.4)
See from' reference Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
Center for Educational Research and Innovation
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Center for Educational Research and Innovation
Centre pour la recherche et l'innovation dans l'enseignement
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Centre pour la recherche et l'innovation dans l'enseignement
Centre pour la recherche et l'innovation en éducation
Kyōiku Kenkyū Kakushin Sentā
教育研究・革新センター<キョウイク ケンキュウ カクシン センター>
O.E.C.D. Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
OECD教育研究革新センター<OECD キョウイク ケンキュウ カクシン センター>
Codes AuthorityID=AU00001981  NCID=DA00438894
1 学習環境デザイン : 革新的教授法を導く教師のために / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 篠原康正, 篠原真子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2024.3
2 知識専門職としての教師 : 教授学的知識の国際比較研究に向けて / ハナー・ウルファーツ編著 ; OECD教育研究革新センター編 ; 西村美由起訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2023.7
3 こころの発達と学習の科学 : デジタル時代の新たな研究アプローチ / パトリシア・K・クール [ほか] 編著 ; OECD教育研究革新センター編 ; 袰岩晶, 篠原真子, 篠原康正訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2023.4
4 創造性と批判的思考 : 学校で教え学ぶことの意味はなにか / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 西村美由起訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2023.2
5 アートの教育学 : 革新型社会を拓く学びの技 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 篠原康正, 篠原真子, 袰岩晶訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2016.10
6 学びのイノベーション : 21世紀型学習の創発モデル / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 多々納誠子, 小熊利江訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2016.9
7 21世紀型学習のリーダーシップ : イノベーティブな学習環境をつくる / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 斎藤里美 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2016.9
8 グローバル化と言語能力 : 自己と他者、そして世界をどうみるか / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 徳永優子 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2015.10
9 メタ認知の教育学 : 生きる力を育む創造的数学力 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 篠原真子, 篠原康正, 袰岩晶訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2015.8
10 家庭、学校、地域社会における社会情動的スキルの育成 : 国際的エビデンスのまとめと日本の教育実践・研究に対する示唆 / 池迫浩子, 宮本晃司[著] ; ベネッセ教育総合研究所訳 [出版地不明] : [ベネッセ教育総合研究所] , [2015]
11 多様性を拓く教師教育 : 多文化時代の各国の取り組み / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 布川あゆみ [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2014.8
12 学習の本質 : 研究の活用から実践へ / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 佐藤智子 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2013.3
13 知識の創造・普及・活用 : 学習社会のナレッジ・マネジメント / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 青山貴子 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2012.3
14 Teaching practices and pedagogical innovation : evidence from TALIS / Svenja Vieluf ... [et al.] : print. - Paris : OECD , c2012
15 教育と健康・社会的関与 : 学習の社会的成果を検証する / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 山形伸二 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2011.6
16 脳からみた学習 : 新しい学習科学の誕生 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 小山麻紀, 徳永優子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2010.12
17 教育とエビデンス : 研究と政策の協同に向けて / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 岩崎久美子 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2009.12
18 教育のトレンド : 図表でみる世界の潮流と教育の課題 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 座波圭美訳 [1],2. - 東京 : 明石書店 , 2009.1-2011.9
19 国境を越える高等教育 : 教育の国際化と質保証ガイドライン / OECD教育研究革新センター, 世界銀行編著 ; 斎藤里美監訳 ; 徳永優子, 矢倉美登里訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2008.11
20 学習の社会的成果 : 健康、市民・社会的関与と社会関係資本 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 坂巻弘之, 佐藤郡衛, 川崎誠司訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2008.4
21 形成的アセスメントと学力 : 人格形成のための対話型学習をめざして / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 有本昌弘監訳 ; 小田勝己, 小田玲子, 多々納誠子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2008.3
22 Trends shaping education / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation 2008 ed,2010,2013 : print. - [Paris] : OECD , c2008-
23 デマンドに応える学校 : 教育の社会的な需要と供給 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 平沢安政訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2007.11
24 個別化していく教育 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 岩崎久美子訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2007.7
25 Evidence in education : linking research and policy Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2007
26 教育のシナリオ : 未来思考による新たな学校像 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 立田慶裕監訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2006.11
27 高等教育におけるeラーニング : 国際事例の評価と戦略 / OECD教育研究革新センター編著 ; 慶應義塾大学DMC機構訳 東京 : 東京電機大学出版局 , 2006.9
28 Think scenarios, rethink education Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2006
29 脳を育む : 学習と教育の科学 / OECD教育研究革新センター(CERI)編著 ; 小山麻紀訳 東京 : 明石書店 , 2005.2
30 Formative assessment : improving learning in secondary classrooms / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2005
31 New school management approaches / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2001
32 The well-being of nations : the role of human and social capital / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation ; [co-authored by Tom Healy and Sylvain Côté ; with significant input from John F. Helliwell, Simon Field and many other colleagues within the OECD Secretariat] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2001
33 What schools for the future? / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2001
34 Motivating students for lifelong learning Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c2000
35 Innovating schools / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1999
36 図表で見る教育OECD教育インディケータ 東京 : 文部省大臣官房調査統計企画課 , 1998.5
37 Implementing inclusive education / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1997
38 Education at a glance : OECD indicators 1997 - 2019 : print. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1997-
39 図表でみる教育 : OECD教育インディケータ / OECD教育研究革新センター編集 [1996年版] - 2019年版. - 東京 : ぎょうせい , 1996.4-
40 Knowledge bases for education policies : proceedings of a conference held in Maastricht, the Netherlands, on 11-13 September 1995 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1996
41 Internationalisation of higher education / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1996
42 Information technology and the future of post-secondary education / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1996
43 Education at a glance : OECD indicators [3rd ed.]. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
44 Learning beyond schooling : new forms of supply and new demands Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
45 Decision-making in 14 OECD education systems / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1995
46 Public expectations of the final stage of compulsory education = Le dernier cycle de l'enseignement obligatoire : quelle attente? Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
47 Educational research and development : Austria, Germany, Switzerland Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
48 Measuring the quality of schools = Mesurer la qualité des établissements scolaires Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1995
49 図表でみる教育 : OECDインディケータ / 国際比較教育研究会訳 [東京] : 文部省大臣官房調査統計企画課 , 1993.3
50 Curriculum reform : assessment in question = La réforme des programmes scolaires : l'évaluation en question Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1993
51 Higher education management Vol. 1, no. 1 (Mar. 1989)-v. 13, no. 3 (2001). - Paris : OECD , c1989-2001
52 The right to adult status / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1988
53 The introduction of computers in schools : the Norwegian experience : examiners' report [Paris] : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation , [1987]
54 Information technologies and basic learning : reading, writing, science and mathematics / Centre for Educational Resaerch and Innovation (CERI) : pbk. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1987
55 The transition from school to working life / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , c1983
56 Caring for young children : an analysis of educational and social services / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : pbk. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development , 1982
57 Integration in the school / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1981
58 Studies of selected population groups : linguistic and indigenous minorities : the Sami (Lapp) case in Norway Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , [1981]
59 Studies of selected population groups : linguistic and indigenous minorities : consideration in financing, organising and governance of education as a consequence of the needs of indigenous minority populations Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , [1981]
60 The education of the handicapped adolescent / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1981-
61 Country surveys of current practice Australia - Portugal. - Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
62 Rationales for distributiong resources unequally Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
63 The identification of special populations : strategies and consequences Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
64 Costing for special populations Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
65 The delivery of educational services to special populations Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
66 Autonomy in the financing, organisation and governance of the education of special populations Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1980
67 Studies of selected population groups : linguistic and indigenous minorities : analytical framework Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , [1980]
68 Studies of selected population groups : language and literacy : education for multicultural societies : Englnd and Wales Paris : Centre for Educational Research and Innovation : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , [1980]
69 Educational financing and policy goals for primary schools : general report / by Harold J. Noah and Joel D. Sherman Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C.] : [Sold by OECD Publications and Information Center] , 1979
70 Educational financing and policy goals for primary schools : country reports / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) v. 1,v. 2,v. 3. - Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington D.C. : sold by OECD Publications Centre] , 1979
71 Management information systems for higher education / edited by K. M. Hussain Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : sold by OECD Publications Center] , 1977
72 Pathways in development / by T.G.R. Bower Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C.] : [Sold by OECD Publications Center] , 1977
73 Institutional resource allocation models in higher education / by K.M. Hussain Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : available from OECD Publications Center] , 1976
74 The use of the computer in teaching secondary school subjects / Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1976
75 Recurrent education : policy and development in OECD member countries : France / by Jean-Michel Belorgey Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington : sold by OECD Publications Center] , 1976
76 Class and pedagogies : visible and invisible / Basil Bernstein Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1975
77 Patterns of health care and education in Sweden / by Anders Tengstam Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : sold by OECD Publications Center] , 1975
78 Curriculum revision, a methodological approach : main conclusions of the study / Université de Paris X-Nanterre ; project leader Guy Terny ; team members G. Bordier ... [et al.] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [London] : [H.M.S.O.] , 1975
79 Education of the health professions in the context of the health care system : the Ontario experience / by K.C. Charron Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. - [Washington, D.C. : Sold by OECD Publications Center] , 1975
80 Organisation for change : the British National Health Service / by T. E. Chester Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1975
81 Norway : the Norwegian Adult Education Act/ Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Paris : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development , 1975
82 The training of generalists and specialists [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1974
83 Courses for educators, decision-makers and members of professions concerned with the environment [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1974
84 Recurrent education : policy and development in OECD member countries : Australia / by Christopher Duke Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1974
85 Costs and potential economies : University of Bradford / Project leader: J.A. Bottomley, team members: J.E. Dunworth ... [et al.] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1972
86 Decision, planning and budgeting : University of Copenhagen / Project leader: Arne Jensen. Team members: J. N. Christiansen ... [et al.] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1972
87 Planning university development : University of Lancaster / Project leader: M. G. Simpson. Team members: D. Falcon ... [et al.] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1972
88 Seminar on Computer Sciences in Secondary Education / organised by O.E.C.D. in collaboration with the 'Direction de la Coopération' of the French Ministry of Education at the Centre International d'Études Pédagogiques, Sèvres (France), March 9th/14th, 1970 Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development , 1971
89 Computer assisted instruction / by Le Corre and R. Jacoud Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Centre for Educational Research and Innovation , 1971
90 Requirement for programming languages in computer-based instructional systems / by K. Zinn Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Centre for Educational Research and Innovation , 1971
91 OECD教育研究・革新センター : centre for educational research and innovation : CERI / 文部省大臣官房調査課[編] [東京] : 文部省大臣官房調査課 , 1969.4
92 Conference on the use of computers in higher education Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
93 Schooling for tomorrow Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
94 Interdisciplinarity : problems of teaching and research in universities / [editorial committee, Léo Apostel ... et al.] Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1972