Snyder, Louis Leo, 1907-1993


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 His Die persönlichen und politischen beziehungen Bismarcks zu Amerikanern, 1932
His World War I, 1981: t.p. (Louis L. Snyder)
His Macronationalisms, c1984: t.p.(Louis L.Snyder), Emeritus prof. of history at the city college and the city Univ. of New York
His Encyclopedia of nationalism, 1990: t.p. (Louis L. Snyder)
Editor's Free trade in American-Canadian relations, 1993: t.p. (Louis L. Snyder)
EDSRC:An Anvil original(Van Nostrand, )
生没年等 1907-1993
から見よ参照 Snyder, Louis L., 1907-1993
Snyder, Louis Leon, 1907-1993
Shih-ni-tu, Lu-i-shih, 1907-1993
Nordicus, 1907-1993
コード類 典拠ID=AU00005012  NCID=DA01289869
1 The first book of the Soviet Union / by Louis L. Snyder Rev. ed. - New York : Franklin Watts , c1972
2 Hitlerism : the iron fist in Germany / by Nordicus New York : Mohawk Press , c1932
3 An Anvil original New York : Van Nostrand