Columbia University. Teachers College. Institute of Higher Education


著者の属性 団体
一般注記 McGrath, E. J. Are liberal arts colleges becoming ... 1958 i.e. 1959, c1958
から見よ参照 Columbia University. Institute of Higher Education
Institute of Higher Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
コード類 典拠ID=AU00544295  NCID=DA02781854
1 The time has come today / edited by Sidney S. Letter [New York] : Published for the Institute of Higher Education by Teachers College Press, Teachers College, Columbia University , c1970
2 Cooperative long-range planning in liberal arts colleges / edited by Earl J. McGrath ; with the assistance of L.. Richard Meeth [New York] : Published for the Institute of Higher Education by the Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University , c1964