1 |
Adult education and the working class : education for the missing millions / edited by Kevin Ward and Richard Taylor
London ; Dover, N.H. : Croom Helm , c1986
2 |
Curriculum theory in adult and lifelong education / Colin Griffin
: Nichols Pub. Co.,: Croom Helm. - London : Croom Helm. - New York : Nichols Pub. Co. , 1983
3 |
Adult education and socialist pedagogy / Frank Youngman
London : Croom Helm , c1986
4 |
Educational responses to adult unemployment / Barbara Senior and John Naylor
London : Croom Helm , c1987
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Learning for life : politics and progress in recurrent education / edited by Frank Molyneux, George Low, and Gerry Fowler
London ; New York : Croom Helm , c1988
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University adult education in England and the USA : a reappraisal of the liberal tradition / Richard Taylor, Kathleen Rockhill, and Roger Fieldhouse
London : Croom Helm , c1985